Welcome to the Bloom and Benefit Box Event!

Fill a box with all your favourite goodies!

Pick up will be at CCS, Thursday, April 17th at the Easter Assembly in the morning or from 3:30pm to 4:00pm

Payment can be made via e-transfer to marketplace@ccslondon.org or by cheque (payable to Covenant Christian School)

Please send an e-transfer to marketplace@ccslondon.org within 24 hrs of placing your order.

Please have cheques to the school by March 27.

Thank you for supporting Covenant Christian School!

Bloom And benefit Box

Mitchell’s Soup Company

Dutch Goodies

Triangle Candy Bags - approx 175-250g ea - 4 Flavours



Scheps Bakeries

OSC Seeds

The Smoldering Wick - 8oz amber jars

Teas - approx 50g bags



Lancaster Smokehouse

More! *Limited Availability


Frozen Food Orders

JD Sweid

Crown Mountain Croquettes - Full or 1/2 Box

Miedema Meat - Pork Sausage 5lb each - 12 Flavours

Easter Baking Order